Geun Young Yun has published more than 50 international peer-reviewed journals with over 2350 citations and his h-index is 25. Recent papers are available at the google scholar site
Santamouris, M., & Yun, G. Y. (2020). Recent development and research priorities on cool and super cool materials to mitigate urban heat island. Renewable Energy.
Ngarambe, J., Joen, S. J., Han, C. H., & Yun, G. Y. (2020). Exploring the relationship between particulate matter, CO, SO2, NO2, O3 and urban heat island in Seoul, Korea. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 403, 123615
Hwang, J. K., Yun, G. Y., Lee, S., Seo, H., & Santamouris, M. (2020). Using deep learning approaches with variable selection process to predict the energy performance of a heating and cooling system. Renewable Energy, 149, 1227-1245.
Yun, G. Y., Ngarambe, J., Duhirwe, P. N., Ulpiani, G., Paolini, R., Haddad, S., ... & Santamouris, M. (2020). Predicting the magnitude and the characteristics of the urban heat island in coastal cities in the proximity of desert landforms. The case of Sydney. Science of The Total Environment, 709, 136068.
Oh, J. W., Ngarambe, J., Duhirwe, P. N., Yun, G. Y., & Santamouris, M. (2020). Using deep-learning to forecast the magnitude and characteristics of urban heat island in Seoul Korea. Scientific Reports, 10(1), 1-13.
Ngarambe, J., Yun, G. Y., & Santamouris, M. (2020). The use of artificial intelligence (AI) methods in the prediction of thermal comfort in buildings: energy implications of AI-based thermal comfort controls. Energy and Buildings, 109807.
Hwang, J. K., Duhirwe, P. N., Yun, G. Y., Lee, S., Seo, H., Kim, I., & Santamouris, M. (2020). A Novel Hybrid Deep Neural Network Model to Predict the Refrigerant Charge Amount of Heat Pumps. Sustainability, 12(7), 2914.
Ngarambe, J., Irakoze, A., Yun, G. Y., & Kim, G. (2020). Comparative Performance of Machine Learning Algorithms in the Prediction of Indoor Daylight Illuminances. Sustainability, 12(11), 4471.
Hwang, J. K., Yun, G. Y., Lee, S., Seo, H., & Santamouris, M. (2020). Using deep learning approaches with variable selection process to predict the energy performance of a heating and cooling system. Renewable Energy, 149, 1227-1245.
Cho, H. M., Park, J. H., Wi, S., Chang, S. J., Yun, G. Y., & Kim, S. (2019). Energy retrofit analysis of cross-laminated timber residential buildings in Seoul, Korea: Insights from a case study of packages. Energy and Buildings, 202, 109329.
Ngarambe, J., Yun, G. Y., & Kim, G. (2019). Prediction of indoor clothing insulation levels: a deep learning approach. Energy and Buildings, 109402.
Gassar, A. A. A., Yun, G. Y., & Kim, S. (2019). Data-driven approach to prediction of residential energy consumption at urban scales in London. Energy, 115973.
Ngarambe, J., Yun, G. Y., Lee, K., & Hwang, Y. (2019). Effects of Changing Air Temperature at Different Sleep Stages on the Subjective Evaluation of Sleep Quality. Sustainability, 11(5), 1417.
Lim, J., & Yun, G. (2017). Cooling energy implications of occupant factor in buildings under climate change. Sustainability, 9(11), 2039.
Gassar, A., & Yun, G. (2017). Energy saving potential of PCMs in buildings under future climate conditions. Applied Sciences, 7(12), 1219.
Yun, G. Y., & Song, K. (2017). Development of an automatic calibration method of a VRF energy model for the design of energy efficient buildings. Energy and Buildings, 135, 156-165.
Yun, G. Y., Lee, J. H., & Steemers, K. (2016). Extending the applicability of the adaptive comfort model to the control of air-conditioning systems. Building and Environment, 105, 13-23.
Yun, G. Y., Lee, J. H., & Kim, H. J. (2016). Development and application of the load responsive control of the evaporating temperature in a VRF system for cooling energy savings. Energy and Buildings, 116, 638-645.
Lee, Y. Y., Kim, J. T., & Yun, G. Y. (2016). The neural network predictive model for heat island intensity in Seoul. Energy and Buildings, 110, 353-361.
Kim, J. T., Lim, J. H., Cho, S. H., & Yun, G. Y. (2015). Development of the adaptive PMV model for improving prediction performances. Energy and Buildings, 98, 100-105.
Yun, G. Y., Choi, J., & Kim, J. T. (2014). Energy performance of direct expansion air handling unit in office buildings. Energy and Buildings, 77, 425-431.
Yun, G. Y., Jung, H., & Kim, J. T. (2013). Energy-saving potential of LED lighting systems. Indoor and Built Environment, 22(1), 235-241.
Yun, G. Y., Kim, H., & Kim, J. T. (2013). Subjective responses to changes in spectral power distributions of LED light. Indoor and Built Environment, 22(1), 226-234.
Yun, G. Y., Kong, H. J., Kim, H., & Kim, J. T. (2012). A field survey of visual comfort and lighting energy consumption in open plan offices. Energy and Buildings, 46, 146-151.
Yun, G. Y., Kim, H., & Kim, J. T. (2012). Effects of occupancy and lighting use patterns on lighting energy consumption. Energy and Buildings, 46, 152-158.
Kim, J. T., Shin, J. Y., & Yun, G. Y. (2012). Prediction of discomfort glares from windows: Influence of the subjective evaluation of window views. Indoor and Built Environment, 21(1), 92-97.
Yun, G. Y., Kim, H., & Kim, J. T. (2012). Thermal and non-thermal stimuli for the use of windows in offices. Indoor and Built Environment, 21(1), 109-121.
Yun, G. Y., Kong, H. J., & Kim, J. T. (2012). The effect of seasons and prevailing environments on adaptive comfort temperatures in open plan offices. Indoor and built environment, 21(1), 41-47.
Shin, J. Y., Yun, G. Y., & Kim, J. T. (2012). Evaluation of daylighting effectiveness and energy saving potentials of light-pipe systems in buildings. Indoor and Built Environment, 21(1), 129-136.
Shin, J. Y., Yun, G. Y., & Kim, J. T. (2012). View types and luminance effects on discomfort glare assessment from windows. Energy and Buildings, 46, 139-145.
Yun, G. Y., Kong, H. J., & Kim, J. T. (2011). A field survey of occupancy and air-conditioner use patterns in open plan offices. Indoor and Built environment, 20(1), 137-147.
Yun, G. Y., & Steemers, K. (2011). Behavioural, physical and socio-economic factors in household cooling energy consumption. Applied Energy, 88(6), 2191-2200.
Yun, G. Y., Shin, J. Y., & Kim, J. T. (2011). Influence of window views on the subjective evaluation of discomfort glare. Indoor and Built Environment, 20(1), 65-74.
Yun, G. Y., Shin, H. Y., & Kim, J. T. (2010). Monitoring and evaluation of a light-pipe system used in Korea. Indoor and Built Environment, 19(1), 129-136.
Yun, G. Y., & Steemers, K. (2010). Night-time naturally ventilated offices: Statistical simulations of window-use patterns from field monitoring. Solar Energy, 84(7), 1216-1231.
Yun, G. Y., Hwang, T., & Kim, J. T. (2010). Performance prediction by modelling of a light-pipe system used under the climate conditions of Korea. Indoor and Built Environment, 19(1), 137-144.
Steemers, K., & Yun, G. Y. (2009). Household energy consumption: a study of the role of occupants. Building Research & Information, 37(5-6), 625-637.
Yun, G. Y., & Steemers, K. (2009). Implications of urban settings for the design of photovoltaic and conventional façades. Solar Energy, 83(1), 69-80.
Yun, G. Y., Tuohy, P., & Steemers, K. (2009). Thermal performance of a naturally ventilated building using a combined algorithm of probabilistic occupant behaviour and deterministic heat and mass balance models. Energy and buildings, 41(5), 489-499.
Yun, G. Y., Tuohy, P., & Steemers, K. (2009). Thermal performance of a naturally ventilated building using a combined algorithm of probabilistic occupant behaviour and deterministic heat and mass balance models (vol 41, pg 489, 2009). Energy and Buildings, 41(10), 1116-1116.
Yun, G. Y., Steemers, K., & Baker, N. (2008). Natural ventilation in practice: linking facade design, thermal performance, occupant perception and control. Building Research & Information, 36(6), 608-624.
Yun, G. Y., & Steemers, K. (2008). Time-dependent occupant behaviour models of window control in summer. Building and environment, 43(9), 1471-1482.
Yun, G. Y., McEvoy, M., & Steemers, K. (2007). Design and overall energy performance of a ventilated photovoltaic façade. Solar Energy, 81(3), 383-394.