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Professor Geun Young Yun


Geun Young Yun is a building scientist working in the area of the design, operation, and evaluation of sustainable buildings. He is associate professor at Department of Architectural Engineering of Kyung Hee University, Korea. He obtained his BEng and MEng degrees from Chung Ang University. His MEng work developed a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) program for the evaluation of indoor thermal environment. He then worked as an environmental consultant for sustainable building design in both Korea and UK. His technical skills and insights into “Environmental Design in Architecture” were matured during his MPhil study at the University of Cambridge.


His PhD work at Cambridge University is a critical, new component of developing the understanding of the energy and environmental performance of building with respect to the role of human agency, obtained from a combined approach to field measurement and statistical simulation. He has published a series of academic papers for international referred journals in the field of human comfort, building controls and energy performance with regard to thermal and visual environments in and around buildings.


Ph.D. in Architectural Science, University of Cambridge, 10/2008

MPhil in Environmental Design in Architecture, University of Cambridge, 09/2005

MEng in Architectural Engineering, Chung-Ang University, 02/2002

BEng in Architecture, Chung-Ang University, 02/1998



Professor, Kyung Hee University, 03/2020 - Present

Associate Professor, Kyung Hee University, 03/2015 - 02/2020

Assistant Professor, Kyung Hee University,  03/2011 - 02/2015

Full-time University Lecturer, Kyung Hee University, 03/2009 - 02/2011

Research Associate, University of Cambridge, 06/2008 - 02/2009

Environmental Consultant, Hanil MEC, 02/2002 - 05/2004


Section Editor, Energy and Buildings

Academic Editor, Indoor Air

Executive Editor, International Journal of Sustainable Lighting

Editor, Cogent Environmental Science

Editor, Advances in Civil Engineering

Editorial board member, Energies

Editorial board member, Buildings

Editorial board member, Civil Engineering Journal

Editorial board member, Sci

Guest Editor, The special issue in Sustainability

Lead Guest Editor, The special issue in Advances in Civil Engineering

Guest Editor, The special issue in International Journal of Polymer Science

Guest Editor, The special issue in Energies

Guest Editor, The special issue in Solar Energy

Editorial board member, The Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea

Section Editor and Former Editor in chief, The Journal of the Korean Institute of Architectural Sustainable Environment and Building Systems

Director, The Society of Living Environment System, Korea

Director, Korean Green Building Council

Director, The Korean Institute of Architectural Sustainable Environment and Building Systems

Member, The International Building Performance Simulation Association

Member, The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-conditioning Engineers


Occupant behaviour and comfort, Building energy and environmental performance, Performance prediction and control, IoT based building control, Deep learning for buildings, Urban heat islands, Climate change, Architectural lighting, Renewable energy

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