User perception and behaviour in buildings

Adaptive comfort (thermal and visual):
Perception on and response to thermal and visual environment
Adaptive thermal comfort in a changing climate
Behavioural models for environmental control systems:
Adaptive control models for HVAC systems
Behavioural models of human agency
Zero carbon buildings under climate change

Carbon performance of buildings:
Field study and simulation of occupant behaviour
Field measurement of energy performance
Statistical modelling of carbon performance of buildings
Climate change implications:
Climate change weather data for building simulations
Climate change impacts on comfort and energy efficiency
Renewable energy in buildings

Photovoltaics and Energy Storage Systems:
Performance evaluation of PV integrated with ESS
Measurement and optimization in densely built areas
Renewable energy potentials in urban area:
Urban climate mapping from measured data
Microclimate analysis for solar and wind potentials
Deep learning for building energy controls

Monitoring and analysis:
Measurement and verification
Development of deep neural network models
Advanced control for BEMS:
Model based predictive control
Simulation and adaptive models for controls
Low and zero carbon technologies for buildings

Renewable energy integrated HVAC:
PV and ESS integration into HVAC
Measurement and control of Renewable integrated HVAC
Heating, Ventilating, Air-Conditioning (HVAC) system:
Efficiency improvement of DX air-conditioner
Simulation and control of DX air-conditioner

Lighting in buidlings

Visual perception:
Effects of views and new lighting on discomfort glare
Blinds and lighting system and their energy implications
Advanced lighting:
Wavelength adjustable LED lighting system
Visual performance of OLED lighting